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AIBlogsPower Platform
Scale Innovation with Microsoft Power Platform and AI

Scale Innovation with Microsoft Power Platform and AI

In today's fast-paced business landscape, adaptability and innovation have become the cornerstones of success for enterprises around the world. To thrive in this ever-evolving environment, organizations need tools that empower them to transform data into actionable insights, automate processes, and build custom solutions that drive efficiency and competitiveness.

DemosPower Platform
Add a Loading Spinner to your Power App Demo

Add a Loading Spinner to your Power App Demo

Spinners can be helpful when you want to ensure that data is loaded before a user either exits the app or clicks on something else which can cause some havoc. I dove into spinners when I had an end user, who was entering a large number of records and would close out of the app before the ants were finished marching (the app loaded all of the records successfully.) This created both some data issues and poor user experience. There are two options for spinners in PowerApps, the out-of-the-box page spinners and using GIFs.