Azure Synapse Analytics May 2022 Updates

by | May 26, 2022

Introducing the Azure Synapse Influencer Program

We’re pleased to announce the Azure Synapse Influencer program. We’re excited to share this program with the community and begin welcoming new members starting today.


Announcing the Public Preview of Azure Synapse Link for SQL

Data-driven, quality insights are increasingly critical for companies to stay competitive, and the speed to achieve those insights can make all the difference.


Data Warehouse Migrations to Dedicated SQL Pools in Azure Synapse Analytics

With the plethora of benefits that cloud migration offers, customers look for steps, process, and guidelines that they can follow for quick and easy migrations from their existing data warehouse environments. We just released a set of Data Warehouse migration guides to make your transition easier to dedicated SQL Pools in Azure Synapse Analytics.


For more information, view the blog here: May 2022 | Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Blog | Microsoft Azure Synapse

Contact us today for a more in-depth conversation around Azure Synapse.


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