14 Reasons to NOT stay on an older version of CRM

by | May 24, 2021

Reasons to NOT stay on an older version of CRM:


  1. More than likely the version has reached end of life and is no longer supported by Microsoft.
  2. Underlying Database and Operating system support will also fall out of support
  3. Unsupported software is a security vulnerability
  4. CRM is running code that is outdated.
  5. Troubleshooting issues is more timely / costly because of outdated code and functionality.
  6. If your support resources leave, you will not be able to replace them, technologists don’t stay on the old stuff.
  7. Stuck using Internet Explorer 11 in order to run your CRM.
  8. Cannot run across different browsers.
  9. Can no longer sync with Outlook.
  10. Can’t access through mobile.
  11. Limited reporting capabilities.
  12. Can’t get the latest and greatest update coming out of Microsoft.
  13. Missing out on new and better functionality.
  14. Your competition will beat you in the marketplace if you let them have a technological advantage
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