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Microsoft 365Videos
Fruit of the Loom logo
Employee Empowerment Bears Fruit

Employee Empowerment Bears Fruit

"We need every employee to understand they can make a difference."

That's non-negotiable to Fruit of the Loom CEO Tony Pelaski. In this video, discover how Tony and his team use Microsoft Teams to create a climate for success, ensuring associates have the tools and platform in their supply chain to respond quickly. With Microsoft Teams, we can help you empower every employee at your company by bringing online meetings, modern storytelling tools, collaboration and productivity apps together -- all in one place.

BlogsMicrosoft 365
Man sitting and talking
Taking internal communication to the next level with Microsoft Teams

Taking internal communication to the next level with Microsoft Teams

Communication among team members and between different teams, especially when they're in different locations, can be a huge challenge--but it doesn't have to be an obstacle to collaboration and teamwork. Watch this video to discover why Red Lion Hotels (RLH) trusted Microsoft Teams to integrate all its corporate needs into one internal communications tool. Then contact us to find out how we can do the same for your organization!

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