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Case StudiesMicrosoft 365
O365 Healthcare Case Study thumbnail
Healthcare Client O365 Case Study

Healthcare Client O365 Case Study

Our Healthcare Client has a very complex O365 environment with over 30,000 users. Providing Tier 2 and Tier 3 support to address and resolve identified and reported issues was problematic with delated resolution of user issues as well as overall low user satisfaction with the resolution process. The delated user resolution caused operational issues resulting in reduced efficiencies and effectiveness of our client's operations.

Case StudiesDynamics 365
Nortek Warehouse
Nortek Case Study

Nortek Case Study

Recognizing that scale of operations in serving customers after the sale was limiting its growth potential and allowing client satisfaction issues, Nortek selected Covenant Technology Partners, a St. Louis, Missouri-based Microsoft partner to help implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM.

Case StudiesMicrosoft 365Security
Nintex Workflows Raise the Bar for Simmons Hanly Conroy Law Firm

Nintex Workflows Raise the Bar for Simmons Hanly Conroy Law Firm

Simmons Hanly Conroy (Simmons), a national Law Firm dedicated to complex litigation areas pertaining to personal injury and illness, simply wanted a way to reduce security risks and save space by creating a searchable, web-based document repository. After partnering with Covenant Technology Partners, Simmons achieved more than they ever expected: a solution that completely changed their business.

Case StudiesMicrosoft 365
Woman Working at desk
Covenant’s Intranet Kit for SharePoint Online Drives a Unified Milestone

Covenant’s Intranet Kit for SharePoint Online Drives a Unified Milestone

After a re-organization of the company in 2017, new leadership decided to implement an initiative called “One Milestone”, with the goal of fostering a cohesive and collaborative work environment nationwide. Given Milestone’s issue with document sharing among their wide-spread offices, implementing a unified corporate intranet became the key of the One Milestone initiative. Covenant Technology Partners was challenged by the new CIO, Jeff Schmidt, to build Milestone’s first Intranet with SharePoint Online.

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