CPQSync™ by Cincom for Construction

by | Mar 10, 2021

Construction Workers building

Covenant Technology Partners and our partner, Cincom Systems, would like to help construction companies that drive business for project estimators. 2020 proved that resilience through digital transformation is key to keeping business and construction jobs running in the face of unexpected change.

Covenant is a leading provider of integrated business solutions and information technology services for Microsoft Dynamics CE. Our goal is to help clients in the construction industry run their businesses better, and by doing so, we have partnered with Cincom and their solution CPQSync.

Are you a construction company that…

  • Works on highly configurable construction projects?
  • Has projects that are always changing, including everything from requirements, materials and specifications to configurations and pricing?

Let’s talk about:

  • How to update your project estimates and quotes so that your sales can go to market faster.
  • If you are ready to enable project estimators to quote and assess the requirements of the project.

That’s just the beginning of the challenges that construction companies face. Cincom and Covenant are partnering to solve the business challenges for construction companies.

We are here to help!

Reduce Errors on Project Quotes

Quoting errors cost time and money. CPQSync by Cincom reduces errors and increases margins. For companies that have complex services, pricing and proposals, it can be tough to quote quickly. CPQSync makes buying easy and selling simple.

Speed Time to Revenue

Heavy manual processes slow down your project estimate. Using real-time data across the organization and one system of record gives your team one source of truth. CPQSync by Cincom is your quote-to-cash solution. Thanks to CPQSync, estimators have up-to-date project information available on any mobile device at any time, whether at their desks or in the field. Configuring project proposals on the spot—in minutes, rather than days—enables estimators to save time, satisfy customers and close deals.

Reduce Costs

Enable project managers to be more resource-efficient to achieve higher profit margins through accurate quotes.

Better User Adoption

Dealing with a CPQ best-of-breed provider, we have already established best practices that drive user adoption and simplify implementation. This results in a better customer experience and better analytics into the construction project.



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